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[吉他谱] Hey Baby (Land Of the New Rising Sun)

时间:2017-08-30  2017-08-30  吉他谱
Hey Baby (Land Of the New Rising Sun)吉他谱(图1)
  Hey Baby (Land Of the New Rising Sun)吉他谱(图2)
  Hey Baby (Land Of the New Rising Sun)吉他谱(图3)
  Hey Baby (Land Of the New Rising Sun)吉他谱(图4)
  Hey Baby (Land Of the New Rising Sun)吉他谱(图5)
  Hey Baby (Land Of the New Rising Sun)吉他谱(图6)
  Hey Baby (Land Of the New Rising Sun)吉他谱(图7)
  Hey Baby (Land Of the New Rising Sun)吉他谱(图8)
  Hey Baby (Land Of the New Rising Sun)吉他谱(图9)
  Hey Baby (Land Of the New Rising Sun)吉他谱(图10)
  Hey Baby (Land Of the New Rising Sun)吉他谱(图11)

「Hey Baby (Land Of the New Rising Sun)」歌谱简谱查看提示


「Hey Baby (Land Of the New Rising Sun)」相关简谱歌谱

1. [钢琴谱] Corre Río Corre (Run River Run)

2. [吉他谱] Hey Baby (Land Of the New Rising Sun)

3. [其它曲谱] Sounou / Sunu / Sunun

4. [钢琴谱] Beyond the Sundial-Kevin Kern

5. [钢琴谱] Beyond the Sundial

6. [其它曲谱] 爵士鼓谱:U2 - Sunday bloody sunday

7. [吉他谱] The sunbeams…They scatter

8. [钢琴谱] Bárnenes Juul Op.36

9. [钢琴谱] Bárnenes Juul Op.36

10. [钢琴谱] Bárnenes Juul Op.36


「Hey Baby (Land Of the New Rising Sun)」相关歌谱简谱

「Hey Baby (Land Of the New Rising Sun)」相关歌谱专题

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